Bornay, as one of the main companies suplying energy where there is none, with a big experience into different type of installations, users, needs and placements ... have enought knowledge and capacity to offer you a big portfolio of solutions according your minimum needs.
We can develop you own instllations or offer you predesigned systems for stand alone applications.
Systems include:
- Wind Turbine
- Tower
- Solar PV modules
- Support
- Solar charge controller
- Batteries
- Inverter
- Accesories
According of the request of each installation, we can offer your installations or a Kit system including all the components of your installations, accesories, diagrams, manuals, or pre-assembled systems plug and play, including installation in container ...
Bornay has developed this Kits under request and supplied to many different projects for rural electrification in developing areas where there are no technicians. Bornay has developed this projects in Latinamerica and Africa countries.
Do you want more information about this product? | (+34) 965 560 025 | Skype