Bornay 100% renewal

The manufacture of wind turbines for the mini-eolic sector is the company’s greatest pride; they are produced with a technology of our own and with 100% renewable energy.

The manufacturing of small wind turbines for the sector of 'minieólica' is the greatst pride of the company. They are created in our R+D+i department and they are produced with a proprietary technology and renewable energy 100%. 

Bornay proposals are intended for home consumption in a stand alone way. Our manufacturing process is, therefore, one that contributes to the conservation of the surrounding areas and the environment.

What is to be 100% renewable...



Bornay’s main activity is the manufacture of small wind turbines for the mini-eolic sector. The product is our own, based to a great extent on internal research and development which takes place in the firm’s R+D+i department.


Furthermore, Bornay is the distributor of a range of renewable energy products to meet the needs of our clients in this area of green energy.


At Bornay we are completely convinced that the sustainability of the planet is possible, provided that we all do our part.


And to achieve this, we contribute our grain of sand to this idea, to this project, having made it grow and evolve over more than four decades.




And we also include...